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SEO Isn't Dead: Why You Shouldn't Give Up On SEO

SEO Isn't Dead: Why You Shouldn't Give Up On SEO

Why SEO is important

With Google’s algorithms being so advanced, having an SEO strategy that is on the cutting edge of the latest SEO techniques can easily make all the difference in your company’s success. The first step is to make sure that your website is listed in the top 100 websites. Â This may seem like a bit of an achievement, but it’s better than nothing. However, if your website isn’t listed in the top 100, there are a number of things you can do to improve its ranking in the SERPS. The most basic technique is to submit a high-quality, optimized, and engaging site. Â With the ever-changing algorithms, there are a number of ways to improve the SEO of your site, including the use of meta tags and keyword-rich title tags. The meta tags are where a huge proportion of a website’s SEO comes from.


What is SEO?

SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization.” It is a commonly-used strategy that your site is appearing on the first page of a Google search for your keywords. Since Google’s Search Engine results page (SERP) determines a large portion of an individual’s decision of where to look to find a particular product, the more prominent and at least somewhat competitive your website appears on this list, the more likely your customers are to stumble upon your site. With that said, SEO is not without its challenges. In fact, there are some reasons why SEO hasn’t gotten much attention from practitioners in recent years.


What is the SEO strategy?

Well, the SEO strategy, in a nutshell, is to establish your business as an authority on a particular niche topic. This can be done by creating high-quality content and engaging in expert social media marketing, but your success with your SEO strategy will be contingent on one main factor: how good your website is. SEO is a long-term game that needs to be nurtured to help your website compete with other websites that are also providing great value. In the process, you need to continue to learn about the direction of this ever-changing industry in order to remain competitive, keep your brand fresh, and keep growing your business.


Why SEO is dead

Even with the slew of new strategies that have emerged in the last several years, if your website relies heavily on SEO to provide some level of traffic, revenue, and growth, then you should seriously question whether your SEO strategy is dead. This piece will try to convince you that SEO isn't dead, but you might want to read it again once you finish to be sure. First off, SEO is a constantly evolving strategy. Google hasn't stopped incorporating new elements into its algorithm over the last few years and other players such as Bing continue to make changes. Second, Google isn't the only player in the search optimization game. You have to constantly be updating your site's SEO strategy in order to stay up to date.


How to get back on track

Even if you believe you're all grown up now and can tackle SEO on your own without having to rely on a team of experienced, paid SEO specialists, there are still a few aspects of SEO that are still extremely important. Thankfully, with the right strategy, the following SEO tips are possible even if you’re a one-man shop. 1. OptFor Scalable Blogging with the Help of an Integrated SEO Platform You might feel that SEO is already enough to make your blog successful, but you’d be wrong. If you’re not considering SEO and an integrated SEO platform, you’ll eventually leave SEO out of the equation altogether.



SEO isn’t dead. In fact, it is still the most effective way for most businesses to build and expand their web presence. You just need to understand what happened to SEO in 2014 – and how to make sure you can continue to leverage it in 2015 and beyond.

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