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List of technologies that changed the pace of business graph majorly

List of technologies that changed the pace of business graph majorly


Advanced technology has impacted the growth of business largely. Only because of this, the usage of technology has become an integral part of almost every company. Many business organisations already claimed that their business profit margin had increased a lot after introducing technical support.

As a result, business organisations are trying to maximise technology usage to minimise expenditure and ensure high profit. According to a recent survey, almost 80% of the companies experienced significant positive changes after using technology. Therefore, here we will discuss those technologies which have become the reason behind the transformation.

List of technologies that changed the pace of business graph majorly


Ø   Installation of AI

Undoubtedly, technology has offered so many gadgets and the latest technical support. Among them, one of the most conventional ones is Artificial Intelligence. The usage of AI brought drastic changes to every business industry. Even small business owners are enjoying the benefits of quick success after using this technology in their businesses.

From upgrading the website of a company to providing excellent consumer support, all take place under the supervision of AI. Above all, AI has driven out the toil of analysis and even long balance sheet calculation within a minute. As a result, the productivity of each company becomes higher than before.

Salesforce can focus only on promotional activity. Therefore, fulfilling target becomes more accessible, and business organisation earns more revenue by selling a good many products.

Ø   Human resource development software

Nowadays, connecting with the employee within a business organisation has become easy. The only reason for it is the intervention of technology. Software developers have developed so many applications where employees of a company can raise their queries, and the Human Resource Head can communicate with them through that specific software.

Besides, if there is essential information to cater to different employees, the HR person can easily communicate with them. Before introducing such software, it was impossible to communicate with each employee of a large business organisation. However, this technology has solved the communication problem largely.

Here the HR authority can view how productive an employee has become. Therefore, it helps during remote working too.

Ø   Robotic intelligence

When it comes to the matter is this specific technology, everyone like to speak about its negative outcome. However, we would like to focus on its positive outcome as it has so many. Generally, robotic intelligence is something that helps to replace the workforce within a business organisation.

As a result, a business entity can quickly run the company in exchange for robotic intelligence with a less total workforce. It has been observed that companies already using such technology can reduce the expense level. Due to less number of employees, a business organisation needs not spend money to pay the wages.

Besides, productivity level also becomes higher than ever, and the revenue source grows after the very usage of robotic intelligence. Besides, there is no question of interruption in providing customer service. After installing such technology, a business owner can easily say that their server remains on for people 24*7.  

Ø   Social media

Nowadays, business organisations are gaining more profit by using this particular medium of promotion. Social media has become more accessible with the advancement of technology and evolving continuously. As a result, almost 70% people of in the UK have enrolled themselves on social media.

Besides, social media will not ask anyone to pay extra while marketing or during purchasing. Only because of no investment it has become one of the topmost mediums of selling and buying platforms. Many organisations are now utilising this free platform to get more consumers and earn high profits without paying additional; charges.

Especially, small business owners are the best beneficiaries. They can begin at the initial stage with a small amount of capital. Later, when they start earning a profit, it becomes easy to apply for long term business loans even for bad credit.

Benefits of using technology in business

There is no doubt that the introduction of technology has served many benefits to every business scale. Such as,

        i.            Minimises the cost of marketing. Nowadays, a good many organisations are advertising either from their official website or from social media. In this way, they can save money in designing physical banners.


      ii.            Productivity increased largely. Every business entities want to produce a high productivity level which was impossible only with the human workforce. After using technology, it becomes easier for a company to reach the desired level of productivity. 


    iii.            Efficient customer service is another benefit of utilising technology in business. After introducing AI, now consumers can easily enjoy round the clock service from any business organisation.

Therefore, technology has brought massive transformation within the periphery of the business industry. It has been assumed that technological advancement will bring a new era to industrial success in the upcoming future.


Technology has bought drastic changes within the business industry. This blog will tell you about how the latest technologies helped in the growth of even small companies.


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